UC 1.9 Within-field Management Zoning Baltics
Testing the scalability of manned aircrafts

In our case the influence of COVID-19 on our planned tasks was not as harsh as expected. We had to make some minor changes on how we communicate with our partners, to prepare infrastructure for the developers to work remotely. The biggest challenge was the restrictions posed to travels because we needed to perform test fields and planned to visit our partners based in other countries. Now with the boarders opening little by little we still hope to continue our activities as planned and finish all the tasks on time.

Now we are beginning to test the scalability of our solution – we are planning to use our technology by carrying out flights with manned aircraft instead of previously used drones. We hope that this step forward will let us cover larger areas and gather more data for the analysis. We are adapting our hardware to fit on the aircraft, testing durability and optimizing aerodynamics of camera rig to be able to withstand winds while flying at higher speeds. Also we have started development of integration solution with Akkerweb and currently we are looking into their API in order to provide our spectral data for mapping the amount of nitrogen in potato fields on their side.

- ByKristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė Senior product development and innovation manager