UC 1.4 Farm Machine Interoperability
ADAPT framework from AgGateway

In our second year we showcased data interoperability by using the ADAPT framework from AgGateway. This acted like a trigger to help the Agricultural OEM’s and FMIS’s understand that standardisation is one of the key solutions for solving interoperability issues and that this cannot be solved without multiple stakeholders working together. That’s one of the reasons that the AEF organisation joined the ATLAS project to further investigate standardizing data interfaces in the field of cloud-based agricultural applications. The AEF is perfect for this as it represents the interests of many agricultural machine manufacturers. So now our use case focus has changed from research to transferring the knowledge gained from our use case to the ATLAS project, so they can build upon the IoF2020 ecosystem. For example, we published a paper and working on more dissemination of IoF2020 gained knowledge.
- By Jason Roesbeke