UC 1.3 Soya Quality Management
Taking IoT sensorbased soya bean irrigation to the next level

After a very successful year 2019 for our UC 1.3, we are going to bring the IoT-sensor-based soyabean irrigation feature to the next level this year. Further field implementations in Austria and Italy will help us to fine tune this important feature in terms of precision and benefit. The actual situation around Covid-19 truly brings some difficulties for our work regarding the supply with equipment and the face-to-face contact to our partners and customers.

At the same time, the importance of increasing the rate of self-sufficiency in commodities we are higly dependent on is now more obvious. Soya is one of these goods, looking on the vast amount of livestock we feed with it and considering the big share of imports we depend on. This makes us confident, to be on the right track with our Soya Production Advisor – the decision support system for soya growers, leading to increased yield, quality and farmers revenue.
- By George Spreitzer