New Iof product
Introducing the IoF2020 Game Changers
With IoF2020 we aim to reach a great variety of audiences. In order to do so, we develop a variety of tools which carry the key aspects and messages of the project across. The latest tool: the IoF2020 Game Changer.
The Game Changer is a domino-like card game. The card game is composed of 33 cards, each representing one of the 33 IoF2020 Use Cases. Together these cards illustrate the whole panel of IoT solutions developed within the project. Each card shows the 3 key objectives of a specific Use Case, and offers a short description on what the Use Case is aimed at. Therefore, players of the card game will easily learn more about each solution as they play the game. Understanding more about the cross-sectoral and the interoperable nature of many of these solutions is key in the learning process.

Do you want to
purchase copies?
Do you want your employees, clients or contacts to learn more about IoF2020 in a playful way? The card game is available for purchase.
Please send us an email
(minimum order amount: 50 copies)