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Climakers Regional Workshop – Europe
The European council of young farmers, CEJA, will co-host The Climakers Alliance’s regional workshop on 14 November. The workshop will be held from 9:00 to 18:00 at the Copa-Cogeca offices (Rue de Trèves, 61) in Brussels. The aim of the workshop is to collect and discuss on-farm best practices related to mitigating and adapting to climate change, and discuss how these best practices may be scaled up through the lens of policy, research, and the private sector. The Climakers Alliance includes representatives from global and regional farmers’ organisations, the private sector and civil society, with the intent to promote a bottom up approach so that farmers will have the opportunity to lead the political process on climate change and build a real farmer-driven climate change agenda. Registration for this event is mandatory for those who wish to attend.
For more information
First EURAKNOS Project Workshop
EURAKNOS aims to reinforce the EU agricultural knowledge base by building the blueprint for a datasystem to enable the farming/rural community easier access to best practices from all EU H2020 Thematic Networks. EURAKNOS held its first workshop from the 11th to the 13th of September in Budapest.
Organic Innovation Days and IoF2020
At the Organic Innovation Days 2019 several EU projects, including IoF2020, will discuss the role of technologies in organic food and farming, both digital and analogue (machinery). The discussion will take place on December 4 during the panel debate at 11:30 (see the full programme here). The Organic Innovation Days are TP Organics’ annual event to discuss and promote research in organic farming.
You can join the conference by registering for the Organic Innovation Days here.
RobAgri’s first scientific workshop: Towards safe and reliable robots proposing new tool for agriculture
The French community on Robotics in Agriculture, RobAgri, will hold organize its first scientific workshop on the 11th of December. It will be held in Toulouse, in the framework of the International Forum of Agriculture Robotics (FIRA). The workshop is open to contributions, and you can apply by responding to the call for papers. You can submit your proposal (1 page abstract) up until the 15th of November.
IoF2020 Webinar: European digital test farm network
This webinar will be held on Wednesday the 20th of November from 16:00 to 17:30. It is dedicated towards farmers, digital service providers, investors and educators in the agrifood tech domain and gives insights on the test farm concept. IoF2020 is very interested in your feedback on this initiative which already received a lot of support across our corporate partners and the investor community. Please use the chance to get in touch with us and share your opinion and ideas.
You can read more about this webinar and register here.