announcements from our partners
Agri farmlab is a unique system in France run by Inf'Agri85, the Chambre d'agriculture des Pays de la Loire, Végépolys, Images & Réseaux and CEA tech. Its main goal is to connect SMEs that develop innovations for agriculture and farmers with a network of agri-sponsors. On a voluntary basis, these farmers support, advise and listen to these entrepreneurs and sometimes allow them to test the solutions directly in their fields. The idea is to create a win-win relationship as a solution provider and tester.
This system is being implemented in 2019 in the Region Pays de la Loire. Thanks to the European SmartAgriHubs network, relayed in France by the Pays de la Loire Regional Council, this system has received financial support which allows it, in addition to gathering a network of Agri sponsors, to financially support 5 innovative solutions not commercialized yet. You can follow the news on Facebook and Twitter.
2019 European Bee Award - OPEN Call for applications
Time to apply for the 6th Edition of the unique CEMA - ELO European Bee Award
Are you a land manager, a technology developer, a research institute or just an individual running a project to protect pollinators in Europe?
Then, do not hesitate to apply to the 2019 European Bee Award, a joint initiative supported by CEMA, the European Agricultural Machinery Industry and ELO, European Landowners' Association, to promote and grant outstanding projects protecting pollinators in the farmed environment.
2 prizes of €4,000 will be awarded to the winners of each category listed below:
- Category 1 Land management practices to protect and enhance pollinators in the farmed environment
- Category 2 Application of innovative technological solutions to reduce farming operations' impact on pollinators
Last but not least, a "Jury Special Mention" in the form of a diploma of recognition will be given to a "small-scale" project, farm or initiative.
Besides the monetary prizes, the winning projects will get visibility through CEMA and ELO communication channels and are meant to participate in the Award Ceremony taking place later in the year in the European Parliament.
All details can be found here
To submit your proposal, please send it to
Deadline: 6 September 2019
Winners from 2018 Edition can be found here
POLITICO Agriculture & Food Summit 2019
POLITICO’s Agriculture and Food Summit is thus returning to Paris for its third edition to explore the political reforms and digital innovations that have the potential to make Europe’s agricultural and food industry greener and more ethical
Building on the success of the previous editions, this high-level event will convene 130+ of Europe’s most influential leadersin food and agriculture to promote a dialogue between policymakers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, consumers and farmers. On the menu, one and half days of dynamic programmingserving a mix of interactive sessions, panel discussions and interviews that will be moderated by POLITICO’s top food and agriculture policy journalists.
This year, there will be apre-summit focus day on food sustainabilityduring which the entire food chain will be dissected: the speakers will examine how to obtain sustainable commoditiesas well as reinforce the capabilities of food safety authorities and the role of consumer organizations. The following day, reforms pertaining to the Common Agricultural Policy and the competitiveness of Europe’s agriculturewill be discussed, while the impact of research and technological innovations – such as big dataand gene-editing– will be debated.
Datagri 2019 is an annual event that brings together more than thousand people to deal with digital transformation in agriculture.
Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de España and Hispatec, are at the same time organizers of DATAGRI and IoF2020 members.
Next edition will be in Zaragoza by 14thand 15thNovember 2019.
In the first day, the Forum will gather high level guestsand speakers such as the king of Spain, ministers and FAO new Director, Qu Dong Yu.
The focus will be on digitalisation of Mediterranean, arid and semiarid agricultural areas all around the world and there will be networking opportunities.
In the second day, the farming dayconsists in an exhibition of cutting-edge technologies and projects.
The farmers and visitors will be able to interact with digital products and services and ask all the questions to specialists.
Consider yourself invited to DATAGRI 2019 !
We hope to see you there.
(The event is free of charge)
By the end of August, ACTA organises a “Hacktaferme” (HackyourFarm): a hackathon at farm level in the south west of France. This is special, since very few Hackathon are organised at farm level in the EU!
Whether you’re an agrogeek, developer, coder, data scientist, farmer or agronomist, come and try the adventure HackTaFerme! A 100% AgTech hackathon by and for farmers to innovate and co-build the agriculture of tomorrow.
The event takes place from Friday, August 30 to Sunday, September 1, 2019 in L'Isle-Jourdain (40 minutes from Toulouse, in the Gers).
HackTaFerme is a code marathon in 48h where different teams - made up of stakeholders from the digital world and the agricultural world - get together and work on a digital idea (solution) connected to an agricultural problem (need), while being hosted by farmers. Ideas can cover a variety of sectors, from arable crops to livestock and specialized crops (market gardening, viticulture, arboriculture, horticulture, ect.). At the end of the hackathon, the ideas are evaluated before a jury composed of farmers, agricultural professionals and digital stakeholders. The first prize is around 5000 €.
For more information on the types of challenges and the ways to participate, click here or mail us (unfortunately only in French):
Find us on
Agri Startup Summit, an international AgTech event organized in November 2019 in France
Agri Startup Summit is an initiative of Inf’Agri 85 that brings together agricultural startups to improve the daily work of farmers and AgTech experts from around the world to innovate and create agricultural activities of tomorrow.
We helped to shape the Smart Farming Track Programme
The 3rdedition of Agri Startup Summit will take place on Wednesday 20 November in La Roche-sur-Yon, France. This event offers conferences, keynotes, a networking space, B to B exchanges, farmer meetings and a contest where startups from all over the world can present in front of a jury their innovative solutions in the field of agriculture.

Call for applications
You are a young startup and you want to participate in the change of the digital transformation of agriculture. Submit your application and try to win a financial endowment and development support for your startup.
Who can participate in the contest?
All startups that have just acquired the status or have just settled (0 to 6 months of seniority).
How to participate?
It's simple! Just log in before 23 August 2019 on the contest section of the website to register for the contest. On September 9, a jury will meet to select the 25 startups who will participate in the contest on Wednesday 20 November.
What are the selection criterions?
Candidate startups will be evaluated on their innovation, the performance of their speech on Wednesday 20 November, their entrepreneurial profile and of course on the viability, utility and impact of their project on the daily work of farmers.
A learning tour from 18 to 21 November 2019 through the Pays de la Loire
This year again, Agri Startup Summit will begin with a learning tour through the Pays de la Loire region to discover the agricultural ecosystem of this region. It will begin on Monday 18 November 2019 with a lunch in Business France in Paris then in the Pays de la Loire.
Who can participate in the learning tour?
The startups selected for the contest will have the opportunity to participate for free *Startups not selected in the competition will also have the opportunity to participate in the learning tour for a registration fee of 300 € *, subject to availability.*In any case, taking charge of the learning tour does not include the arrival of startups in Paris and their departure from Angers.
How to participate?
It's simple! Just log in before 20 September 2019 on the learning tour section of the website to discover the program and register.

More information on the Agri Startup Summit event:
Email of the event:
Social networks: #AgriStartupSummit
EIP AGRI seminar report published
A while ago, from 12 to 13 December 2018, the EIP-AGRI Seminar ‘Multi-level strategies for digitising agriculture and rural areas’ took place in Antwerp (Belgium). The seminar was organised in cooperation with the Flemish Rural Network and the contribution of the European Network for Rural Development. 143 participants from 25 European countries engaged in very interactive participation.
In april, EIP-AGRI published the report of the seminar, which is worth a read! You can find it here. For those who have not had the chance to participate nor to read it already, a shorter version is in preparation and will be published in August.
Also, EIP- AGRIprepares a new seminar on “skills development for agriculture’s digital transition” – it will be held on February 2020 and instructions for registration will follow.
Copyright European Commission – EIP-AGRI
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