internet of fruits
The cultivation of fruits represents a demanding task for farmers. Harvest time and selection is crucial for the quality of the product and the requirements in terms of resource-use, logistics and disease/pest control are high. Aiming to improve production processes, the fruit trial showcases the uptake of IoT technologies throughout the fruit supply chain: at the field, in logistics, in processing and at the point-of-sale.
Specifically focusing on the production of table grapes, wine and olives, the fruit trial will show how IoT technology can improve each step in the production process. Sensor data (e.g. weather stations, multispectral/thermal cameras, stem water potential, light micro-climate measures, fruitful indexes), cloud-based systems for monitoring and early warning systems to control pests/diseases (e.g. variable rate spraying, selective harvesting) can help to improve quality and increase yield. Additionally, traceability devices (e.g. RFID, multidimensional barcodes, 3D labels) and smart packaging enable condition monitoring during storage, processing, transportation and on the shelves.
The incorporation of IoT technologies in the fruit supply chain has the potential to reduce pre- and postharvest losses, lower input, improve quality, achieve higher distances and improve product traceability (including protected designation of origin).
Fresh Table Grapes Chain: implementing real-time monitoring and control of water supply, crop protection of table grapes, and predicting shelf life;
Big Wine Optimization: optimizing the cultivation and processing of wine by sensor-actuator networks and big data analysis within a cloud framework;
Automated Olive Chain: realizing automated field control, product segmentation, processing and commercialisation of olives and olive oil;
Intelligent Fruit Logistics: achieving fresh fruit logistics through virtualization of fruit products by intelligent trays within a low-power long-range network infrastructure.
IoT technologies in the fruit supply chain have the potential to reduce pre‐ and post‐harvest losses, lower input, improve quality and achieve higher product traceability.
Eco-system trial chair
Vincenzo Verrastro
Researcher and Trainer Organic Agriculture, MAIB-CIHEAM