internet of MEAT
Animal output for meat production accounts for 24.8% of the total EU-28 agricultural output. The sector has been dealing with numerous challenges such as animal welfare, foreign competition, climate impact and antibiotic resistance.
The meat trial aims to demonstrate how technology can help face these challenges. Early warning systems increase animal health and reduce antibiotic use. Advanced monitoring systems provide farmers with feedback on their decisions and help to optimize animal growth and wellbeing. Tracking data adds transparency and traceability to the production process. In this way, the meat trial will explore the advantages of IoT technologies for farmers and for the production chain as a whole.
Pig Farm Management: optimising pig production management using interoperable on-farm sensors and slaughterhouse data
Poultry Chain Management: optimising production, transport and processing of poultry meat by automated ambient monitoring and control, and data analyses
Meat Transparency and Traceability: enhancing transparency and traceability of meat based on monitored chain event data in an EPCIS-infrastructure
“I strongly believe that this project and the IoT technologies can bring a significant benefit to farmers and their animals. We aim to achieve that the farmer has more tools to stay on top of his production and the health and welfare of his animals, as well as that the whole supply chain can benefit from linking data of different actors.”
Eco-system trial chair
Jarissa Maselyne
Researcher, ILVO