Programme day 3 - 18 march
Day 3
The IoF2020 legacy
panel Session
13.00 – 14.00
Policy Recommendations for the future of Digitalization in Agriculture
Day 3: The heritage of IoF2020. What are the ecosystems of research and innovation working along the lines of IoF2020, possible new collaborations, upcoming open calls and policy recommendations based on the project findings.

Chair: Grigoris Chatzikostas
Track 1 IoF2020 & SmartAgriHubs
1.1: Synergies between IoF2020 & Smart Agri Hubs
Lorena van de Kolk from SmartAgriHubs will join Edwin Hecker to discuss the synergy between the 2 European projects.

Chair: Edwin Hecker
Track 2: IoF2020 and Projects ecosystem
2.1: Upcoming Open calls
The IoF2020 ecosystem is composed of running initiatives which are welcoming new ideas and new participants. How to catch these opportunities and continue working with EU funds? This session will present visitors with the upcoming open calls organised by EU projects: - SmartAgriHubs - ATLAS - Demeter - AgROBOfood Learn about the goals, timing, prerequisites and conditions for applying to the open calls.

Chair: Marianna Faraldi
Track 3: What will happen to the knowledge generated ?
3.1: Beyond the EU Code of Conduct: how should we tackle the remaining challenges?
Discussion about four persisting concerns related to data sharing. What is the best way to answer them? Key stakeholders provide their views.

Chair: Smone van der Burg
Options for 30 min break
Open coffee tables
See themes →
Stretch a leg session
Enjoy a well-deserved break by getting a bit of physical activity! Stand up and follow the instructions to avoid any cramps or a painful back.

Coach: Juliette van Noort
Agri quiz
We are all interested in smart farming, agrifood, or other related topics. Put your knowledge to the test and get a chance to win a prize, with our agri-quizz!
Moderated: Houkje Adema & Allard Jellema
open cinema
Visitors are free to visit virtual exhibition arena or open cinema
virtual exhibition arena
Visitors are free to visit virtual exhibition arena or open cinema
Track 1 IoF2020 & SmartAgriHubs
1.2: The Smart Agri Hubs Innovation Portal
The SmartAgriHubs innovation portal is a connecting tool. But not just any connecting tool. It connects the wide ensemble of AgriTech actors to all the necessary stakeholders. It activates a network of Digital Innovation Hubs and help users to find each other thanks to its user friendly interface and maps. Cherry on the cake, it's totally free! Learn how to make the most out of it for your business with a simple login.

Chair: Lorena van de Kolk
1.3: The role of DIH for IoF2020 community
Frank Berkers (TNO) leads the capacity building for Digital Innovation Hubs in the SmartAgriHubs project. In this session he will discuss the role and value of DIHs for farmers, innovation projects and the innovation ecosystem, and the need for continuous learning, with Lars H. Jensen (Food & Bio Cluster Denmark) and Hazel Peavoy (TSSG). Furthermore, he will explain the “DIH Exchange program”, a SmartAgriHubs program focused on capacity building by sharing experiences between DIHs.

Chair: Frank Berkers
Track 2: IoF2020 and Projects ecosystem
2.2: Driving collaboration for EU agritech actors with Open DEI
In this session you will hear on how OPEN DEI supports the Digital Transformation projects in identifying gaps, making common developments and sharing results through activated mechanisms of collaboration such as sectorial working groups and cross-sectorial Task Forces focused on “Data sharing, Data Platforms and Pilot Implementations”. Successful previous experiences will be presented, based on the topic of data sharing and its importance in the agrifood sector.

Chair: Marianna Faraldi
2.3: Collaborate with EURAKNOS & EUREKA: for an EU-wide digital knowledge reservoir for agricultures
Building an EU multi-actor community to achieve long-term impact and sustainability: In this session, core project partners of the EU H2020 multi-actor project EURAKNOS will present key outputs, results and recommendations such as the EURAKNOS Explorer's Guide for Thematic Networks and other multi-actor projects. Furthermore, the link to sister project EUREKA will be made, which builds on the prototype and proof of concept to scale up the scope of the platform to all multi-actor projects.

Chair: Maria Gernert (OrganicsEurope)
Track 3: What will happen to the knowledge generated ?
3.2: Accessing the results: the IoF2020 Use Case catalogue
Synthesizing research findings to demonstrate the benefits of technological innovation through an accessible communication approach, thereby bridging the gaps between researchers, the public, consortium, policy-makers, and technology providers.

Chair: Manuel Winter
3.3: Accessing the results: the IoF2020 IoT catalogue
Debate about strategies and supporting tools for an effective outreaching of European agri-food innovations (EU projects’ results) and the key role of the IoF2020 IoT-Catalogue to support this goal.

Chair: Bruno Almeida (Unparallel)
Closing plenary
16.45 - 17.00
Conclusion of day 3 - Wrap up

Chair: George Beers
Virtual exhibition arena
Visitors are free to visit virtual exhibition arena or open cinema
Evening options
17.15 - open end
Open coffee tables
See themes →
open cinema
Visitors are free to visit virtual exhibition arena or open cinema
Virtual exhibition arena
Visitors are free to visit virtual exhibition arena or open cinema
Track 1: Theme title
Track 2: Experimentation on farms
Track 3: Ecosystem Mapping & Business Model Toolbox
Track 4: Theme title
Track 1: ?
Track 2: rol of certification bodies in a new digital era
Track 3: ?
Track 4: ?