From use case to show case

How to write
for social media

Social media has its own language. Here are some usefull tips to get to know it.

Provide context

Provide context and add a link for further information. If necessary, use to shorten your link.

Your readers don’t know as much as you do.

Reading an awesome article about broadband on Wall Street Journal.


Great article in @WSJ discussing the implications of broadband pricing:

Reference person or company

If the person or company you’re referring to has a social media account, tag them by using their handle.

Also mention @IoF2020 in your posts.

Use first person

Use first person over third person.

This makes your text more personal.

IoF2020 would like to inform its partners of the new opportunity to enter the open call. A sign up form can be found on our website.


We invite you to apply for the Open Call! 
Go to

Use active voice

Write active instead of passive. Your reader will feel addressed.

This will increase  engagement.

Provide added value

Include news updates, quotes, fun facts or opinions. What would your reader be interested in?

This will increase engagement.

Why would you say that?!


@DonaldTrump I disagree, I think that rural connectivity is a prerequisite for #smartfarming

Accessible language and length

Avoid jargon or technical terms.

The shorter, the better.

Review it

Use as least two pairs of eyes before publishing your texts. Pay attention to correct language use and avoid grammar mistakes and typos.

Read it twice, post it once.

Visual content is key