open call
open for proposals!
The pre-harvesting phase for open call proposals is open
During the stakeholder event, IoF2020 partners and other stakeholders discussed the criteria for the Open Call, which will launch coming June. With the Open Call (total value of €5 million) IoF2020 intends to increase the scale of the project and the impact of the technology developed within the project.
From the discussion, three main ways to increase impact emerged:
- Replicate current use cases in regions not yet covered in the project, especially in Eastern and Northern Europe. This will help to increase the reach of the project and to develop user-friendly technology for a variety of farming situations.
- Extend current use cases further into the agri-food production chain. The aim is to make the complete chain more efficient through the use of digital technology. For this to happen, also food processing and retail parties need to be connected.
- Target new area’s such as forestry or fishery, which are not yet included in IoF2020.

The full list of requirements for applicants and proposals will be published June 2018 in the official call text. It is already agreed that proposals covering one aspect to increase scale and impact (eg. applying the technology of a current use case at a farm in Eastern Europe) are eligible for costs up to a total of € 300.000. Proposals covering more than one aspect (eg. developing new technology for use in forestry) are eligible for costs up to a total of € 500.000. Ideally, projects granted with a contribution, will show satisfactory results by the end of IoF2020.
More information
The Open Call support team welcomes all your questions and ideas about the procedure, call modalities or covered scope. The latest information on the requirements, indicative calendar and the procedure to submit a project idea is published at our website. The IoF Open Call support team can be reached via this contact form. The support team is there to help you shape your plans, thus improving the impact of the Open Call.