Soya protein management
"Together with a local dealer, we are preparing NIR's protein sensors for installment in 4 soybean field trials, 2 in Italy and 2 in Austria."

Precision crop management
"We’ve finished collecting data from the sensors installed in wheat fields. The comparison between IoT data and standard measurement is currently in progress and we plan to implement 15 new IoT systems next season."

Within-field management zoning
"Can we predict potato harvest with soil and crop scans? And improve harvest results with variable planting, fertilizing, spraying? We're testing it with prediction model tipstar."

Fresh table grapes chain
"150 kg Early Superior Seedless table grapes from the first harvest in Italy will be used to test Modified Atmosphere Packaging and shelf-life. The IoT devices installed in the fields work well and we’re preparing for grape harvest in Greece."

Automated olive chain
"Selecting demosites for the deployment of the IoT devices, defining which KPI's to measure and purchasing the corresponding IoT devices and IT platforms."

Intelligent fruit logistics
"We are investigating the potential of IoT-enabled trays to transport fruit. "

"We have started the deployment of technologies across three UK farms to showcase the use of real-time data to create information of value to the dairy supply chain."

Happy cow
"It is exciting to give a voice to an increasing number of cows. Having a feedback circle in full swing to improve and adapt so that the farmer can act based on data."

Grazing cow monitor
"Pastured cows are equipped with Sensolus StickNtrac sensors, and beacons are installed in the barn. Promising preliminary results indicate that the range of the beacons has to be adjusted."

Enhanced quality certification system
"We are experiencing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in the wine cellar, to improve the wine certification process. "

Added-value weeding data
"We successfully tested offline image analysis of an Austrian sugar beet and pumpkin field. Mounting an IoT device to determine yield/m2 on a sugar beet harvesting machine proved difficult still."

Chain-integrated greenhouse production
"At the moment, we are developing a Data Model for the value chain and a FIWARE-based Decision Support System for greenhouses production."
in the other trials...
All partners put in a lot of effort to achieve one goal: to further the uptake of IoT technology in the European agri-food sector. In this recurring item, partners in other trials explain what they’re working on right now. These are their answers: