Current cases

Within-field management zoning
"The open call opened new joint possibilities with other UCs: we develop a brand independent variable potato planting application. Competing machine builders join forces. IoF2020 made it happen!"

Precision crop management
"Input from different sensors, satellite images and IoT sensors results in high spatial and temporal crop observations. This data gets processed in a model, resulting in a decision support service that helps farmers monitor and manage their crops in real time. An important perspective of the service is the possibility to add new functionalities, for example the detection of unexpected events such as diseases or pests development."

Soya protein management
"Through installing a NIR-sensor on the combine harvester we are able to draw a comprehensive picture of all the relevant quality indicators of the soya harvested in the field."

Farm machine interoperability
"We redefined and reformed the concept of Interoperability in the AgriFood domain. More than 20 different data models and frameworks in the AgriFood domain have been identified. Key learning is that the successful implementation of Smart Farming doesn’t always come as a unique solution, but might include several services working together like a gearbox."

Traceability for food and feed logistics
"We have developped a fully automated wireless 'silo' detection system that can guarantee that the right bulk contents are delivered into the right silos and that the specifics of that delivery are registered. This will help farmers ensure that they receive and store the right raw materials, and it has the potential of giving consumers more insight in the origin of the food they consume."

Hyperspectral Imaging Analytics for Arable Agriculture
"We are piloting and showcasing our machine learning-based analytical technology for wheat and potato field analysis. Our solution integrates hyperspectral data gathering via UAVs and advanced data analysis techniques to provide reliable assessment of crop nutritional state and provide insight for smart decision making. Our end goal is to provide farmers with a data-driven service that helps them transition towards more commercially efficient and environmentally sustainable farming practices."
Current cases

Demonstration activities for several use cases
"Demonstration activities are on the way for each Fruit trial use case. Both farmers and advisors are participating in the meetings organized by the fruit use cases."

New features
"New features are on the way for the better implementation of the technologies in the frame of each use case activity."

Early lameness detection through machine learning
"Data on lame cows is now available, but explaining the data using sophisticated AI techniques is still a work in progress."

Precision mineral supplementation
"Preliminary meta-analysis of the application of precision mineral supplementation already shows unexpected additional advantages."

Video’s and animations for several use cases
"In order to further strengthen the message of the grazing cow monitor, happy cow, herdsman, remote milk quality and precision mineral supplementation use cases video’s and animations have been produced."
Current cases

Added-value weeding data
"’In 2020 we are going to ‘selectively weed’ our data order to produce useful outcomes."

Enhanced quality certification system
"2020 vintage will offer us the possibility to implement our tools in a few very prestigious wineries. This will contribute to a broad acceptance of our tools, and give us the possibility to be in the spotlight."

Digital ecosystem utilization
"Our use case will deploy upgraded versions of the IoT devices developed by Future Intelligence within IoF2020 on 9 new farm locations in Cyprus and Slovenia. Additionally, it will meet the demand that IoF2020 co-created by integrating additional sensors requested by the local communiaties."
in the other trials...
All partners put in a lot of effort to achieve one goal: to further the uptake of IoT technology in the European agri-food sector. In this recurring item, partners in other trials explain what they’re working on right now. These are their answers: