The EAAP Congress provides insights into the latest research results from many areas of animal science
European Poultry Conference
17-21 September 2018
Dubrovnik, Croatia
The EPC will give you an overview of all relevant developments in the area of poultry science.
CopaCogeca congress
of European farmers
10-12 October 2018
Linz, Austria
A dialogue will take place on the uptake of IoT in the farming sector.
Fruit Attraction
23-25 October 2018
Madrid, Spain
The international trade show for the fruit and vegetable industry.
Connected Agriculture and construction
24-25 October 2018
Berlin, Germany
Connected Agriculture and Construction Forum focuses exclusively on the topics of smart farming
23-25 October 2018
Madrid, Spain
DLG will be presenting a special "Digital Animal Farming" at EuroTier. Trial 2 and Trial 5 will be participating and contribute to raise feedbacks about user acceptance with the help of WP4