IoF2020 project was greatly represented during the Internet of Things week that took place in Euskalduna conference centre (Bilbao, Spain) on June 4-7, 2018. Gathering in total 900 participants, the event gave the occasion to enhance the visibility of the project itself as well as to meet project participants and exchange information. It was also the occasion to inform the IoT Week attendees about the official opening of the Open Call: The identified topics (new areas/use cases, new regions) were presented in detail. The various “Smart Farming & Food Security” sessions held on Tuesday 5th included 2 speakers coming from IoF2020. The speakers have presented the first results yielded by the use cases after 18 months of existence. Also, they invited every interested party to participate to the Open Call.

Kristof Mertens
Business Chair in the IoF2020 meat trial
Sjaak Wolfert specifically highlighted the Open Call issue showing in a clear way the objectives and a demo case of the project together with the identified topics, the budget allocated (6 million €), timescale (deadlines, communications, etc.) and selection criteria within a “multi-actor” approach. Edwin Hecker highlighted the presence of more than 70 partner organizations from 16 different countries in the IoF2020 Project, with a total budget of 35 million € and 4 years of duration. He also provided data about the ambitious targets of the project to reach several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): zero hunger, responsible consumption and production, climate action and life on land. Furthermore, in order to enhance the impact of the announcement, the launch of the Open Call was coordinated together with 2 other LSP’s in a joint annoucement of the 3 Open Calls.
On the exhibition site, in addition to its double booth hosting 8 use case representatives and their research posters, IoF2020 developed a new booklet presenting the first research results and next steps of the use cases together with a video. Use case representatives had the occasion to meet a varied crowd and answer technical questions from visitors including members of the European Commission. IoF2020 held its booth next to other Large Scale Pilots (LSPs) dedicated to IoT. In addition, to show the coherence between IoT research sectors, the joint presence of LSPs ensured a wider visibility of the projects.

IoF2020 showcased during IoT Week 2018